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With IBM, Apple will own the mobile enterprise

news analysis
Feb 20, 20154 mins
AppleCareersEnterprise Applications

Apple and IBM plan to change the world, one industry vertical at a time

IBM and Apple are pushing even harder into the enterprise. iPads and iOS are in the spotlight across IBM’s growing global network of IBM Studios, which put mobile at the heart of digital transformation.


The Apple/IBM deal puts iPads are at the core of the experience in IBM’s rapidly expanding $100 million network of collaborative spaces, “where clients can re-think and enhance their customer’s experience.”

Ten MobileFirst for iOS apps are available, 12 more ship next month and over 100 are in development. (I hear there could be many, many more.)

Ultimately, any enterprise will be able to make all its data and processes available to any employee with an iOS device.

Add iBeacon, Apple’s work in indoor mapping services and you can see even more opportunities for enterprise users; Apple Watch-wearing warehouse employees will be guided to the right products using gentle taps on their wrist.

Huge potential

CCS Insight’s Nick McQuire calls the Apple/IBM partnership “lethal,” saying: “IBM MobileFirst for iOS has the potential to radically reshape the direction of enterprise computing in the coming years.”

Apple’s devices are already the most popular BYOD solutions in the workplace, so you can imagine the Apple/IBM promise will transform multiple industries.

IBM’s network of centers (I see them as IBM-branded Apple Stores for enterprise customers) will evangelize this transformation – it doesn’t take much; last night’s iOS app demos went so well even Business Insider said something nice:

“You’re likely to start seeing iPads and iPhone 6 Pluses crop up in all sort of business locations where previously there was only a till and a phone.”

Design for life

Enterprises will inevitably reap efficiency, productivity and collaboration benefits as they switch employees over to using the same technologies they use in their personal life at work.

It’s all about design, of course. “Design must reflect the practical and aesthetic in business but above all…good design must primarily serve people,” IBM said last night.

Successful digital transformation demands enterprises provide us with apps employees want and will use and user experiences that match or exceed those they get from the apps they use at home.

“We have created a capability where all the skills and expertise needed to design and create such unique experiences are collocated and where, together with our clients, we enable and accelerate this process,” says IBM.

Apple is critical

The Apple connection is critical.

Apple is playing a big part in ensuring user interfaces are up to scratch. Apple is also recruiting enterprise-focused teams everywhere to get behind this attempt..

Citigroup analyst Jim Suva believes enterprise adoption of iOS solutions will drive future hardware sales, but “also increase user stickiness coupled with the potential for future revenue streams (iCloud, Services, Apps, etc.).”

As the Tweet above shows, not everyone gets it, but they will.

“We’re making great progress in our partnership with IBM and our collaboration is winning over new customers,” Apple CEO Tim Cook told analysts recently. “In just over a month, more than a dozen enterprise customers have signed on as foundation clients to transform their companies with iPhone, iPad and IBM MobileFirst solutions.

“IBM is engaged with more than 130 additional companies looking to empower their employees with MobileFirst for iOS solutions – and the list keeps growing,” Cook added. “We couldn’t be more pleased with this partnership.”

That’s hardly surprising, given recent ESG survey data, which revealed that 30% of enterprises now intend significantly accelerating their use of iOS devices and applications as a direct result of the Apple/IBM partnership, particularly in retail and financial services.

Apple and IBM are working to become the new enterprise IT.

Are you ready?

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