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At a time when employee retention should be of a top concern, some companies are using questionable ways of enforcing return-to-office mandates.
Corporate privacy policies are supposed to reassure customers that their data is safe. So why are companies listing every possible way they can use that data?
The iPhone ended Gordon Bell’s lifelogging project. Now AI is bringing it back.
Siri will soon receive a new brain based on OpenAI's ChatGPT. But there's a lot more to come.
You don’t really think you can depend on answers pulled from the likes of self-appointed Reddit experts, do you?
Twenty-five years later, the story of the biggest legal scandal in British history is not yet over.
The companies are practically joined at the hip around generative AI, but they’re starting to pull in different directions. It’s complicated.
Perplexity AI combines Google-like search results with ChatGPT-like summaries. Now, they’re adding humans into the mix.
For a marketing company that doubles as a tech company, Apple's latest iPad Pro is incredibly tone-deaf.
If the ban goes into effect, the talent wars will broaden and intensify — and return-to-work efforts would likely crumple.
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